The Old Deluder Satan Law – America’s first public education law
What used to set America apart from the rest of the world is the quality of education we used to provide to our children. It was world class and at one time second to none. Today, not so much. Our so-called education system is no more than an indoctrination center for leftist ideology. History, at least real history, is no longer taught especially America’s history because it is so unique and successful. The reason is was so successful was because it was based on Christian principles. That statement causes liberals heads to explode but truth is truth.
Our educations primary school book, the New England Primer, that was used from the mid-1600s until the late 1800s is based solely on the Bible. All areas of life were taught using biblical principles. Liberals can deny it but historical facts prove it. The first laws providing public education for all children were passed in 1642 in Massachusetts and in 1647 in Connecticut and it was called the “Old Deluder Satan Law”. These colonists believed that the proper protection from civil abuses could only be achieved by eliminating Bible illiteracy.
“It being one chief project of that old deluder, Satan, to keep men from the knowledge of Scriptures, as in former time. . . . It is therefore ordered . . . [that] after the Lord hath increased [the settlement] to the number of fifty householders, [they] shall then forthwith appoint one within their town, to teach all such children as shall resort to him, to write and read. . . . And it is further ordered, that where any town shall increase to the number of one hundred families or householders, they shall set up a grammar school . . . to instruct youths, so far as they may be fitted for the university.” [1]
Note that they put a premium on the ability to understand the Word of God. Many American literacy laws were directed at the necessity of understanding the Bible.[1] Note also that the Pilgrims believed that the primary reason for education was to be able to read and understand the Word of God. Most of our then places of higher education were established by ministers to propagate the Christian faith.
Our so-called educators today feel the need to keep the Christian faith and education totally separate that they should not be comingled. Our early educators felt different and because they did comingle them, we led the world in education. Harvard, Yale, Princeton, William and Mary, Dartmouth are just a few that began basically as seminaries. George Washington signed into law on August 7, 1789 the Northwest Ordinance stating: Religion, morality, and knowledge, being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged.[2]

Keep them at home…
We have an ‘education’ system today that hates Christianity but will expose students to the seven pillars of islam. They hate morality and actually demand that they expose students to porn and homosexual methods. Knowledge is not even considered something of importance. Pronouns and gender reassignment is high on their list. Our early educators proved that teaching Christian principles which includes morality and teaching real historical information, math and reading helped develop our students into highly educated people that were capable of becoming responsible people and contributors to society. My granddaughter was homeschooled and graduated at sixteen and will enter college as a sophomore. I know of the grandson of a friend who was homeschooled that is entering college at the same age.
What we have for an education system today is no more than a joke. Kids don’t need pronouns they need math, history and the ability to read. We have major cities, democrat run of course, that have 100% unacceptable results for the money spent to ‘educate’ the students. In 23 Baltimore City Schools, zero students tested proficient in math in 2022, according to a report by Project Baltimore.
Through an analysis of 150 Baltimore City Schools, 23 of them, including 10 high schools, eight elementary schools, three high schools and two middle schools, no students met math grade-level expectations, according to a report by Project Baltimore. Approximately 2,000 students took the state administered math exams that tested proficiency levels.
“It just sounds like these schools, now, have turned into essentially babysitters with no accountability,” Jovani Patterson, a Baltimore resident who sued the district for not properly educating its students, told Fox 45 News. “This is the future of our city. We’ve got to change this.”
An additional 20 schools in the district had no more than two students proficient in math, Project Baltimore reported. Another three schools in the district, which are for incarcerated students and students with disabilities, had no students that met grade-level expectations.
Approximately 7% of third through eighth graders at Baltimore City School met grade level expectations in Math in 2022, according to the Maryland State Department of Education.
The report on Baltimore City Schools comes as the nation suffers historic learning loss; since 2020, the nation’s reading scores dropped to fall in line with numbers from 1990, while math scores fell for the first time from. Every state has seen a decline in its students’ math scores since 2019.[3]
How can a public school allow these kinds of results? How are any of these kids going to even try to get into college? I firmly believe that the cost of a college education today is rarely worth it. Why spend $100,000 – $150,000 on an education that teaches nothing? Parents have begun to take back school boards, as they should, so their children will have a chance at a decent education. Teachers’ unions are another thing that is a major hindrance as is our Department of Justice that has decided to classify parents upset that their elementary school kids are being fed pornography as domestic terrorists. We have waited too long to correct the situation and have allowed too many perverts to be embedded into the school system. We must stand for our kids now to have any kind of hope to turn that ship around.
What Happened To America’s Education? ~ Part 2
What is happening in our schools is a disgrace to the history of American education. We’ve gone from putting kids into college at the age of sixteen to not having any child able to read at grade level or do math at grade level in entire cities. Do note that these cites, Chicago and Boston, and deep blue cities and have been for decades. The school boards have decided that your kids are no longer your kids but somehow became wards of the state and whatever the schools teach those kids is flat-out none of your business. In Virginia, school administrators refused to talk to parents upset by pornographic and sexually explicit material in public school libraries! Then-governor Terry McAuliffe stated in response, “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.” This cost him the governor’s mansion.
In Wisconsin, the Eau Claire Area School District was recently sued in federal court by parents objecting to school policies that promote students’ gender transitioning without the notification or involvement of their parents! Shockingly, the district’s official Gender Support Plan states: “Remember, parents are not entitled to know their kid’s identities. That knowledge must be earned . . . we must not act as stand-ins for oppressive ideas/behaviors/attitudes, even and especially if that oppression is coming from parents.” [4]
Since when are the parents NOT entitled to know something about their child? The National Education System has moved to the point where it feels it has the right to indoctrinate our children any way it wants and parents have no say in the matter. This is why teachers’ unions oppose school choice. Like all government agencies, they do not like competition. Homeschooled children get a much better and more thorough education than any child in a public school. Grade averages are much higher in homeschooled children than those ‘educated’ in a public school. Are all public school and their teachers bad? No, but they are very restricted as to what they can teach. I wrote a book on America’s founding titled Defining America’s Exceptionalism and have been told by public school teachers that they would be arrested for using that book in a public school. Too much religion! Well, if that is what our history is made up of, then why can’t it be taught?
When the school system is permeated with the mindset “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.” as Governor McAuliffe stated then what your child is being taught is probably not in the best interest of the student or society in general but will only benefit the political elite. This is a trend that has begun to show and probably has been there for a long time but was well hidden. It seems that the left is not hiding what they are doing anymore at all. It is all out in the open and they do not seem to care if we all know it.
The one thing that parents have complained about over the last couple of years is the schools’ demand to expose our kids to the perversion of homosexuality. I find it ironic that if you talk to a co-worker about sex, they consider that sexual harassment but doing the same thing to an elementary student is essential. This month is so-called pride month. What is to be proud about not being able to discern the proper gender of a sexual partner? Our public schools seem to think they have the right to shove this garbage down the throats of our kids. Some schools went overboard in their efforts to embrace alternative lifestyles before children — a celebration that helps explain how gender dysphoria has become a contagion, with willing participants being warmly embraced and granted special status among their peers.
In a photo shared by Libs of TikTok, there appears to be a drag queen (center) being featured at an elementary school, this being a common ploy these days to slowly introduce children to sexually inappropriate behavior.
Young minds don’t stand a chance against politically-motivated adults driven to shape children’s views on a world of their making — these being the same people who take offense to those who suggest they are grooming these children for future exploitation.[5] When I was in school if teachers did anything remotely like this they would be in jail and it should be that way today. People who demand that young children need to be exposed to this type of sexual perversion are groomers and should never be allowed to be around children.
What we are beginning to see now is teachers of elementary and middle school children that have OnlyFans accounts and are filming their porn in the classrooms they teach in! A teacher at Thunderbolt Middle School is reportedly caught in a scandal — one that’s horrifying both parents and students.
“That was my friend’s daughter’s desk. And she is mortified over the situation like, ‘that is my desk.’ She has no care knowing students have seen her everything and on students’ desks,” said Thunderbolt mom, Kristina Minor.
The teacher has an online account where students found her pornographic content, which appears to be filmed in her 8th-grade classroom. “She was sharing these links to her sex site on her social media accounts, which are public, which children follow her,” said Minor.
The sick teacher reportedly used a photo from the school yearbook on her OnlyFans page.
Lake Havasu Unified School District said in a statement, “It has come to our attention that students have been airdropping explicit material. The images did not happen during the school day and the person depicted no longer works for LHUSD. Please remove all images from your child’s phone and talk with them about the appropriate use of technology.”
No criminal charges were filed against the individuals involved in making the sex tape, leaving parents disgusted and outraged.
Hobbs vetoed the bill banning porn shoots in classrooms and government buildings, calling it a “poor measure to address those concerns.” She also claimed, “it serves as little more than a thinly veiled effort to ban books.” [6]
I have advocated for the last couple of decades for the schools to be put back in the hands of the states and the parents. Our Department of Education is unconstitutional and the teachers’ unions are as corrupt as the rest of our federal government and it must be stopped if we expect to have any chance of restoring our education system to what education is supposed to be.
What Happened To America’s Education? ~ Part 3
There is nothing that can surprise me about what is going on with our education system.
Most of what we see is nothing but the drag-queen shows that are popping up around the country as of late. Keep in mind kind of people were left in the shadows and were not part of main-ream media’
There was a time when of the kind this trash was kept from mainstream but today it seems as if anything goes, A Christian school teacher is suing because she was fired because she refused to use a child’s preferred pronouns. There used to be a time when the teachers controlled the classroom but I guess the students have that right no now.
Rebeca F. Rothstein, who is a Maryland teacher at North Bethesda Middle School, went on a Marxist rant on TikTok bragging about “indoctrinating” her students and calling for an urgent fight against capitalism, asserting that “Revolutions involve violence.”
The radical leftist teacher in the Montgomery County School District described herself as “proud as f*** to be liberal” on her since-deleted TikTok account. Once Fox News reached out to her for comment, her account with over 220,000 followers vanished on Monday.
She devoutly believes that teachers should use their classrooms to turn kids into anti-racist activists.
“As a teacher, I wish we could do more with our students like teach anti-racism and how to be kind people. Does anyone else feel like… we can skip the math, skip the science, like we’ll do that next year. Maybe this year we focus on teaching our youth how to be anti-racist,” she suggested on TikTok.
The teacher wrote about providing “Marxist literature” to students. She also made the comment, “F*** capitalism” and noted at one point that she was “tired after a long day of indoctrination had to un-brainwash myself from capitalism in order to fall in love with socialism and communism,” she disturbingly asserted. “If everyone had the same amount of money, then money wouldn’t be worth anything.”
To see just where education is going all we have to do is to look at some people see the future un America.[7]
“Capitalism must go,” Rothstein argued. She also remarked in that video, “revolutions involve violence.” The background music advised, “Ain’t nothing wrong with that.”
As for the school district, according to Fox News, they refused to comment on the teacher’s Marxist leanings or her desire to incite a violent revolution.
Even worse, this isn’t the first time that Rothstein has advocated for violent behavior.
The teacher commented on the pro-Black Lives Matter riots, “There are so many a******* in my comments saying, ‘What about all the burning of the buildings, and the looting and the rioting?’ Why do you care more about buildings than human lives? It’s like you’re stomping around, being like, ‘All buildings matter.’ No, no, they don’t. And the fact that you don’t understand where the rage is coming from, why there is so much rage of burning buildings, that’s the exact problem.”
“I am f***ing angry, and it’s weird as f*** that you’re not. When I’m talking about the patriarchy or racism or police brutality, why the f*** would you not be angry?” she demanded, according to Fox News.
Then she went on to address getting pregnant and the inherent responsibility it brings, raging that “boys should get vasectomies at birth, or when it is safe to do so… Why is preventing pregnancy just on the woman?”[8]
This is the state of today’s education. There is no longer a concern for decorum. We have ignored the need for actual education. A major problem students face is the rising crime in Baltimore. Like the rising crime in so many other Democrat-controlled cities, Baltimore’s crime rate continues to spin out of control. In 2019, for instance, Baltimore suffered its highest murder rate since 1993.
Crime is so rampant that even TV shows have been forced to shut down filming because conditions became too dangerous for crew members.
The report on the Augusta Fells Savage student noted that Tiffany France’s 17-year-old son only passed three classes in four years and had a 0.13 grade point average. That isn’t enough to graduate, and the student will end up back in 9th grade starting next school year, France said.[8]
Culture seems to be the main subject in schools these days. Got to have the right shoes, the right the right phone, a trendy hoddie, all the real important things we need to make the right impression. Education has become secondary.
California gym teacher Jessica Tapia was fired from Jurupa United School District as of January 31, according to Fox News, which obtained and reviewed a copy of her termination notice signed by David Brooks, an assistant superintendent who oversees the human resources department.
“Based on your religious beliefs, you cannot be dishonest with parents,” the notice, signed by Brooks, openly states as a reason for firing her. “If asked about a student’s gender identity by a parent, you cannot refer the parent to a counselor, defer the inquiry and suggest they speak with a student.”
The transgender-affirming policy affects more than 2,000 teachers and staff members, and 20,000 students, in Riverside County, California.
Tapia, who has filed a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, is being represented by Pacific Justice Institute in her lawsuit.
“The school wanted her to lie to parents if she ever had a child who was transgender,” PJI attorney Brad Dacus says. “And the parents didn’t know about it.”
That claim from Dacus can hardly be disputed considering Tapia’s termination notice. Farther down in the notice, the assistant superintendent informs Tapia that the school district “cannot accommodate your religious beliefs” which prohibit her from revealing a student’s “gender identity” to a parent or guardian.
Because she is a physical education teacher, Tapia also refused to obey a school district policy that allows biological boys to enter and change clothes in a girls-only locker room, according to Dacus.
“No teacher, with any kind of a reasonable conscience,” Dacus tells AFN, “would ever want to do these kinds of diabolical things.”
What has become of our schools? If this is what we have we need to redo all of it.
~ Foot Notes ~
1. Defining America’s Exceptionalism, Roger Anghis (Westbow Press, 2011) p. 37
2. Defining America’s Exceptionalism, Roger Anghis (Westbow Press, 2011) p. 41
3. Not one student met grade level expectations for math in 23 Baltimore schools
4. The Crisis in Our Schools: “It’s Time to Speak Up and Step In!”
5. US dept-of-education kicks off public schools over the top promotion of pride month
6. Sick radical democrat Katie Hobbs allows pornography
7. Parents call out school board for refusing to let students opt-out of gender identity lessons
8. Baltimore public school student ranked near top half class now look gpa
© 2023 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved
Written by Roger Anghis for News With Views ~ June 2023
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