The FINAL Word: Southern Heritage is a Threat to the Deep State

In an age where the accounts of history are no longer taught or the chronicles of past generations are lost to the consciousness of the current culture; all that is left is a fairy tale of deception designed to confuse, indoctrinate and eliminate critical thinking. Astute students of the War of Northern Aggression understand that the cessation of hostilities set into motion the forces of imperialism and the perversion of a Constitution with the addition of harmful amendments. Liberty was the primary causality of all the bloodshed and the institution of a totalitarian statist regime became the permanent outcome of the conflict.

Therefore, it should shock no one that the authoritarians, who are part of the Deep State, are complicit with the cultural Marxists that worship the collectivist state. Southern Heritage is distinctly independent and based upon traditional values. The threat to the centralized cabal from a resurgence in true American principles and states-rights sovereignty is a danger that the despots are desperate to prevent. Thus, the assault against the “Deplorables” was invented.

The emblematic deconstruction of honorable patriots under the guise of eradicating symbols of contempt is a wholly anti-intellectual position to maintain. So when the New Orleans Mayor: Another Civil War Monument Removal Helps ‘Stand Up to Hate’ asserts, he really is pandering to the delusional and exhibiting his ignorance.

“The plan to remove Civil War-era monuments in New Orleans came almost two years ago after Landrieu said he wanted four monuments removed: the Jefferson Davis, Liberty Place, the P.G.T Beauregard, and the General Robert E. Lee in the heart of the city.

Landrieu and supporters of his plan pleaded with the Democrat-controlled city council that the monuments represented racism and white supremacy, while local history professors and opponents said the City acts a public history museum to tourists and locals and should be preserved.

The issue is a slippery-slope for New Orleans, as there are dozens more Civil War-era monuments, whom Black Lives Matter-aligned groups are now demanding be removed. The most famous monument left-wing groups are targeting is the President Andrew Jackson monument which sits at the center for the city’s French Quarter.”

The loss of perches for birds to relieve themselves is not the only result, because the real dynamic is that people of character and courage are the ones being shit upon with this obscene capitulation to a society of total intolerance.

Those who proclaim they are Federalists once paid lip service to the autonomy of self-governing individual states. Today the worse offense, a state authority can commit, is to refuse the dictates of central governance.

Hunter Wallace writes in Occidental Dissent, Jefferson Davis Statue Removed In New Orleans.

“There is a reason why one generation erected these Confederate monuments and why another has singularly failed to preserve them. The reason is that the character of our people has changed over the course of the last century. A hundred years ago, White Southerners still had a sense of honor. They were proud of their race, proud of their unique culture, and above all else they were proud of the sacrifices made by their fathers which is why they erected these monuments in the first place.

A century ago, it would have been unthinkable for our forefathers to hide behind a handful of trembling “Black Confederates” in New Orleans in order to *prove* how tolerant they are to a bunch of communists and anarchists. I don’t have anything against anyone who supports preserving our Southern heritage, but this is a bizarre fixation of the Baby Boomer generation who are obsessed with *proving* that there were thousands, even millions, of non-Whites who fought for the Southern Confederacy.

How do we explain this bizarre behavior? We live in a culture in which only non-Whites possess moral legitimacy. In the “mainstream,” Whites do not have any moral legitimacy. It is verboten for Whites to organize to defend and advocate their own interests in the public sphere. According to the “mainstream,” the worst thing you can be in this society is a “racist” or a “white supremacist” and those terms are thrown around so casually that just being out there with a Confederate flag or supporting a Confederate monument in public is enough to get you branded as such.”

Such an analysis is perceptive and truthful. People in this mass psychopathic casuistry are manipulated fools. Denying indispensable respect for Southern Heritage is voiding an essential part of the reasons why America was founded as a confederation of self-governing jurisdictions.

Basically, the eroding of pride in the achievements, steadfast courage and fundamental moral conduct of Christian citizens has converted many weak knee minds into believing that the only ethical value, must adopt an abolitionist bias, which denigrates the intrinsic right of self-determination.

By placing faith in an all powerful central government, based upon an erroneous supposition that equality can only be archived by defaming an entire heritage, which employs reverse discrimination against the white race, has produced more harm than any other outcome since Federal troops declared victory in 1865.

Yet, the argument that Lincoln’s war was fought to free the slaves is dispelled with any in-depth analysis of the political consequences after the conflict was over. Henry C.K. Liu makes this important point in The Shape of US Populism.

The 14th Amendment Transformed into Magna Carter for Corporatism

“Marshall’s interpretation of the Fourteenth Amendment transformed it into a Magna Carter of corporate right. It ironically turned the Amendment, originally added on June 16, 1866 and ratified on July 23, 1868 to the Constitution for protection against state violation of the rights of “Negro” persons to life, liberty or property without due process of law. A private corporation is regarded by the Marshall decision as a “legal person” and thereby cannot be deprived of its right to conduct business and of its private property rights. The Constitution declares, moreover, that “the Citizen of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges or Immunities of Citizens in several States.” This declaration, when extended to cover corporations as “legal persons” gives corporations chartered in any state the right to conduct business in all states. Since the organization of huge amounts of capital needed by large scale commerce can only be accomplished through the corporate structure, this constitutional and legal protection is vital to the expansion of the capitalistic economy. It paved the path towards corporatism.”

The Deep State is in a nefarious partnership with corporatists. With the systematic destruction of the South, the prospects of a populist national movement were set back. The power of finance and industrial enterprises resided in the northeastern establishment. The spirit of Southern distinctiveness always presented a peril to the elites, who eagerly adopted an internationalist and global orientation for their economic empires.

The counter balance against an unholy alliance of treacherous usurpers bent on destroying an America First government took hold with the Trump movement. While not exclusively residing in the southern states, the similarities of discontent and frustrations with a corporatist political system of the super privileged, share the risk of an actual civil war.

Therefore, the natural push back from populism has the federal plutocrats working overtime to eradicate our rightful heritage.

The Alt-Right Defends Southern Heritage In Charlottesville sums up the real reason why the commemorate Southern statures were removed from the public square.

“It makes sense when you think about it. As Richard Spencer has repeatedly said, the Alt-Right is about identity. These Confederate monuments are expressions of Southern identity. They were erected by the sons and grandsons of the Confederate generation and were put in prominent public spaces in the South as a tribute to the sacrifices of our fathers in the War Between the States.

Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson are Southern heroes. 1 out of every 4 Southern White men died in the War Between the States. 1 out of every 3 were maimed or killed. The horrific toll of that war has no parallel in our history. It’s not like there are only Confederate monuments in the South. There are Union monuments in the North which were erected for the same reasons.

This is about wiping all of us out – all of us for being White. This isn’t about history so much as it is about the modern day Mao Zedong’s and their Cultural Revolution.”

Yes, Virginia, this is a definite cultural revolution with the stakes as high as they get. The coming toll from the establishment purge of American patriots will be in the millions. And if such hostilities can be averted, only the boot of unmitigated subjugation will become the fate of a once proud people. Standing up for your honorable heritage is a prerequisite for regaining your community self-respect.

The perverted political correct society has failed at every turn of producing a social order worthy of defending. Only a rebirth in timeless and traditional principles can restore a legitimate and sensible civilization.

May 23, 2017

Submitted for publication to Kettle Moraine, Ltd. by the author.

~ The Author ~
batr_thumbFederal Observer contributor, SARTRE is the pen name of a reformed, former political operative. This pundit’s formal instruction in History, Philosophy, and Political Science served as training for activism, on the staff of several politicians and in many campaigns. We invite you to visit his website at: Breaking All The Rules.

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