Common Core ‘propagandists’ are busy, busy, busy

Supporters of Common Core are being “disingenuous” again in their efforts to prop up the controversial education standards – so says an education policy expert in the nation’s capital.

With both President Donald Trump and his nominee for secretary of education, Betsy DeVos, expressing opposition to the Common Core standards, proponents have stepped up their spin. Jane Robbins of the American Principles Project says the Collaborative for Student Success (CSS) – an organization trying to salvage the Core – is focusing on state Core-aligned tests to distract attention away from national student performance tests, the results of which she says are not so encouraging.

“CSS is … looking at the state tests, the state Common Core tests, and saying Aha, things are looking better there. Some of the kids are doing better on this brand new test this year than they did last year,” she describes. “Then they ignore the other things.” (See comments from CSS)

Among those “other things,” according to the APP senior fellow, is the National Assessment of Educational Progress test, known as “the nation’s report card,” which shows scores falling in math and stagnating in reading. She contends CSS is trying to hide that information.

“What we have here is an ’emperor’s new clothes’ situation,” she shares with OneNewsNow. “And at some point somebody’s going to see that he’s not wearing any clothes. I just don’t know exactly how long that’s going to take.”

The Washington Times reports President-elect Trump won’t have the authority to cancel the Core. The only option, it says, is to convince individual states that have adopted it to drop it.

Written by Bob Kellog and published at One News Now ~ January 19, 2017.

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